Case Studies

The Alexander Technique is suitable for aiding a wide range of ailments, issues and problems. Here is a selection of case studies and testimonials outlining some of the benefits enjoyed by Carla Radford's students:

Testimonial 1: David Roberts - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) since the late 1980s. I went undiagnosed for several years and gradually deteriorated until I was quite severely affected, virtually housebound, and I had to retire from work about 10 years ago. Since retiring I was able to pace myself and my activities and had made some improvement.
A breakthrough came after I was referred by my consultant for a course of physiotherapy three years ago. I honestly hadn't expected to get much from it after being ill for so long, but starting at a very, very low level of activity I gradually improved to the point where I was walking without a stick for the first time in many years.

It was wonderful to be able to walk even a short distance unaided, but I was so used to walking with a stick and hauling myself out of chairs that neither came naturally or easily. My course of physiotherapy had finished and I didn't have any idea that there was anything further I could do about it, but I was grateful to have got back what I did.

Then, to my good fortune, Carla gave a talk on the Alexander Technique at the National ME Centre, Romford. What she said made a lot of sense, and I went to Carla for lessons. Thanks to Carla and the Technique, I have further built up the strength in my back and legs, which has helped reduce the pain and enhance the pure pleasure of being able to walk again. I can now also stand and sit without using my arms and hands, and have learned how to stand still and to climb stairs with comparatively little effort.

The Alexander Technique is not a cure for ME/CFS, and Carla took great care to explain that it is education rather than therapy. The relationship is teacher-student rather than practitioner-patient. I don't think it would have helped me in the acute stages of my illness, but at the stage where I am now where my body is slowly recovering from a chronic illness and needs some re-education and assistance, it has definitely helped. I think it would have been an even greater help if I had learned the Technique years ago before getting ill. Maybe I would not have got so ill!

Testimonial 2: Joshua - Back Pain caused by bad posture
My son Joshua has been attending classes with Carla now for about 6 months. In this short time he already has a good understanding of Alexander technique and now stands upright instead of having hunched shoulders, which gave him a backache. Carla is a very warm and friendly person and Joshua always feels at ease in the lesson.

Testimonial 3: E.J. Simmons B.H.S.A.I.(Reg'd) - Lower Back Pain
I am happy to say that since starting the Alexander Technique with Carla at the beginning of 2008, the lower back pain that used to plague me is no longer a problem.

I also find it very relaxing and always come out of a lesson feeling less stressed and walking tall both literally as well as physically.

Carla is a very patient teacher and is calm and clear in her instructions, always explaining what we are aiming to achieve. The lessons are helping my posture and in my occupation as a horse riding instructress they are ensuring my pupils are also sitting more correctly, all greatly appreciated by the horses as well as looking more elegant.

Other benefits of the technique are deeper breathing, stronger voice projection and learning correct lifting procedures. I have no hesitation in recommending these lessons and am sure they are of great help in easing my back troubles, I can now get out of my car without wincing and groaning!

"The Alexander Technique works...I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who has neck pains or back pain."
Roald Dahl, Writer

Case Studies
"One to one lessons in the Alexander technique from registered teachers have long term benefits for patients with chronic back pain"
British Medical Journal, August 2008
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